Rotary Club of Bangalore Brigades - Rotary India

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Total Services 31
Donation of Provisions

Our founder member, Rtn. MRC Ravi, for his birthday has donated Rs. . .

International Project Medicines to Lebanon

As part of International project, We have supplied medicines worth . . .

Heart Surgeries

We have participated in the District Project for Heart Surgery. The. . .

Medicines to Belaku Academy

As part of our continuous support to Belaku Academy, we have distri. . .

Scholarship Project

We have provided Scholarship to one student for Education.

Drawing Competition for Environment Awareness

Rotary District 3191 and Rotary District 3192 in Association with D. . .

DEI RYLA-Youth with Visual / Speech&Hearing Impair

8 Rotay clubs of District 3192 organised DEI RYLA was conducted for. . .

Heart and Eye Checkup Camp

We have conducted Health Camp for Heart and Eye Checkup at Jain Mis. . .

HealthCare Hope: Empowering Jain Mission Hospital

This project enhanced the medical capabilities of Jain Mission Hosp. . .

Scholarship for Students

We have provided Scholarship to two girl students for Education kee. . .

Laksha kalpavruksha

We have participated in impact full environment project of distribu. . .

Diwali Dress Distribution to under privileged chil

On the eve of Diwali, we distributed Dress to 597 underprivileged C. . .

Sweet Distribution to Poura Karmikas

On the eve of Diwali we distributed sweets to Poura karmikas . Swee. . .

Polio Day Awareness Walkathon

At Bengaluru we had walkathon from Freedom Park to Vidhana Soudha t. . .

World Mental Health Day Awareness and Celebration

Mental Health awareness program jointly organised by 14 clubs with . . .

Mobile Dental Van to LEH (Ladhak)

The Club in association with Rotary Primasens, Germany has donated . . .

Health in your Palms

A Joint district Health awareness campaign held by Rotary District . . .

Spatial Ecology Study of Cauvery Mahseer fish spcs

RBB has received a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) grant from. . .

Distribution of Gas Iron Boxes - Indiranagar

RBB distributed one gas iron box to woman who earn their livelihood. . .

Mother Mary English School, Thippasandra

Our Rotary Club members visited Mother Mary English School to intro. . .

MathruShree Manovikas Kendra

We had donated Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Food grains and Diape. . .

Teachers Day - Nation Builder Award

We proudly presented the National Builders Award to 3 deserving tea. . .

Teachers Day Celecration

We had Teacher’s Day Celebration at Government Higher Primary Schoo. . .

Scholarship for Students

We have provided one girl student of Pavithra Education Trust

Scholarship for Students

We have provided one girl student of Nitte Meenakshi College

Distribution of Gas Iron Boxes at Yelagiri

RBB distributed three gas iron boxes to 3 families who earn their l. . .

Distribution of Sofas & Chairs -Hema Vema ashrama

We have donated sofas and chairs to the Hema Vema Orphanage in Bikk. . .

Blood Donation Camp

RBB in association with Rashtrotthana conducted Blood Donation Camp. . .

Distribution of Gas Iron Boxes

RBB distributed two gas iron boxes to women who earn their liveliho. . .

Plantation Drive for greener future at Avalahalli

RBB participated in a sapling plantation drive in Avalahalli, where. . .

Food Trolley and Sweets Distribution

RBB members attended a flag hoisting event at Government Primary Sc. . .

DEI Training

RBB through its members Rtn Abha and Rtn.Gayathri Nayak participate. . .

Notebooks and Stationery Distribution

RBB donated Notebooks and Stationery to 165 school children. Snacks. . .

Notebooks and Stationery Distribution

Rotary Bangalore Brigades (RBB) made a significant contribution to . . .

Free Distribution of Sidda Medicines

Rotary Bangalore Ulsoor, Rotary Bangalore Brigades, and three other. . .

Vishwamanara Educational Scholarship Scheme

We presented the cheques to the respective beneficiaries and their . . .

Book Distribution

Books Distribution (Nangli School)

Donation of Gas Iron Box

RBB distributed two gas iron boxes to women who earn their liveliho. . .