Family Get Together - Rock and Roll with DJ Music by DJ Raman
Regular Weekly Zoom Meeting - Discussion on Projects
Cultural Program - Bharatanatyam Dance Recital by Ms Anitha U Achar. . .
Weekly Zoom Meeting
Regular Weekly Speaker Meeting - Physical Speaker: Annet Hemashre. . .
Regular Weekly Meeting via Zoom
Closed Door Meeting - Club Assembly
Discussion on Club Projects
Joint meeting along with Rotary Bangalore Ulsoor Club, Rotary Banga. . .
Family trip to Yelagiri with Anns and Annets
Weekly Meeting over Zoom
Weekly Meeting - Chief Guest AG Rtn Chandraprakash
Rotary Bangalore Brigades Club Meeting RY 2024-25
Club Installation Meeting - Installation of President and his team . . .
Weekly Club Meeting - Zoom
Weekly Club Meeting - In-person on Plans for RY 2024-25